rsync from one server to another

Basically, Synchronize Files From Local to Remote (Plesk to cPanel) Synchronize Files From Remote to Local )cPanel to Plesk) Here is a short summary of the options available in rsync. Please refer to the detailed description below for a complete description. -v, –verbose increase verbosity -q, –quiet suppress non-error messages –no-motd suppress daemon-mode MOTD (see … Read more

Error with restarting SSHD in WHM

Issue Error with restarting SSHD in WHM. Verified the error, but SSHD appears to restart and take changes anyways even though the error is reported by WHM. Restarted SSHD from SSH does not show any errors and there is nothing in the logs about any errors with SSHD. Fix The issue here is that SSH … Read more