Configure Row-Based or Mixed Mode Replication in Mysql

Source: By default, MySQL binary logging and replication is statement-based: when the master server commits a change, it writes the SQL statement into its binary log, and any slaves that replicate it execute the same SQL statement into their own database. MySQL also supports row-based replication: the master server logs the data affected … Read more

Subdomains redirecting to primary domain

Scenario WordPress is installed for the primary domain. WordPress is installed for a subdomain. Subdomains set up under the primary domain. Primary domain – Subdomain – Issue: redirects to or Check if there is an .htaccess file in the subdomain directory: If not, create an .htaccess file and include the following: … Read more

php include path changes

Loading a phpinfo file for a domain on a cpanel server, you notice that the “include_path” variable changes. Resolution: With PHP PEAR enabled, PEAR is by default configured to include its PHP directory (/home/domina/php in this case). You can disable /home/domain/php from being in the PHP include_path by either removing that directory (/home/freedc/php) or uninstalling … Read more


The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of requirements designed to ensure that ALL companies that process, store ortransmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. Essentially any merchant that has a Merchant ID (MID). General requirements for compliance Firewall Intrusion Drevention Systems Intrusion Prevention Systems Dedicated IP addresses PCI … Read more