Windows Login security

Trying to find who is loggin in to the server. Look in Event Viewer for Security with the filter for 4624 events: Note it is normal to see multiple logins, you are looking for specific logon types: 2 and 10

How to Setup and Configure the SMTP Service for Windows Server 2012

Source: Also Configuring the server so you can send mail using instead of ‘localhost’ or the server’s IP address. If you add the following line to the server’s hosts file it will map to which is localhost. Please note this would need to be done on each server as reverse NAT … Read more

Fail2Ban Setup on CentOS 6.6

Because fail2ban is not available from CentOS, we should start by downloading the EPEL repository: Follow up by installing fail2ban: The default fail2ban configuration file is location at /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf. The configuration work should not be done in that file, however, and we should instead make a local copy of it. After the file is copied, … Read more