WHM Setup Options

Email Settings Auto Discovery Enable: This will allow email clients to automatically locate and configure themselves based on the server’s configurations. No, thank you: This will prevent the auto setup features on email clients from automatically locating and configuring themselves. Email Archiving Enable: This will allow users to configure the retention period for incoming, outgoing … Read more

Smartctl on Linux

SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) allows you to see the status or overall health of a hard drive. This information is instumental in providing warning signs of problems with a hard drive. All Linux distributions provide the smartmontools package, which contain the smartctl program used to display SMART information from attached drives. This package … Read more

Plesk install Fails on Windows

The update of Parallels Panel has failed: “Syntax error in file panel.inf3: Error parsing Element” Cause The issue is temporary and caused by network connectivity issue to one of the autoinstaller mirrors. Resolution As a workaround use another autoinstaller mirror, add the following IP addresses for autoinstall-win.pp.parallels.com to the hosts file: US, Kansas … Read more

Migrate Plesk IP’s to New Plesk server

When Migrating from an old dedicated server to a new server, you can ask your hosting provider to migrate the data and the IP’s. Here is the strategy to move them. ssh to the old and new server. One the old server, change the following: Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 [stextbox id=”info”]* IP and Mac changed to xx. … Read more

Add Wildcard SSL or multi-domain or UC/SAN SSL certificate

What is a multi-domain or UC/SAN SSL certificate? Multi-domain certificates are SSL certificates that allow you to secure multiple, potentially unrelated domains with a single certificate. This includes UCC/SAN certificates and wildcard certificates. Unified Communications/Subject Alternate Name (UC/SAN) Certificates are SSL certificates that allow you to specify a list of hostnames that the same certificate protects. Note: Icon … Read more

Subdomain Creation Error in cPanel

You go to create a subdomain and get the following errors. [stextbox id=”warning”]There was a problem creating the sub-domain: You do not have permission to create subdomains of the server’s hostname[/stextbox] Or [stextbox id=”warning”]The system experienced a problem during the creation of the “example” subdomain.[/stextbox] This was fixed by changing settings in WHM: WHM Home … Read more