Using screen

The screen program is a powerful terminal multiplexer for Unix-like operating systems such as Linux. It allows you to create multiple virtual terminals within a single terminal window or remote session, which can be detached and reattached as needed, even if the original terminal session is disconnected.

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SSL for Mail Server Plesk

Normally, checking mail may produce an SSL error for plesk mail services. All clients Outlook, Mac mail, thunderbird, show a a message for ssl certificate. How to fix it. You would need to purchase a SSL certificate for your servers hostname and set it up so it gets used for the mail service on the … Read more

Install and Using TCPDUMP on Debian 10

Install tcpdump List Network Interfaces Output Capture packets from a particular ethernet interface using You can use the -v option to increase the verbosity of the output, or -vv and -vvv to increase it even further. If you don’t want tcpdump to endlessly output data to your terminal, you can use the -c option to … Read more

Cannot Contact

Mail for some reason is not delivering to Find your namservers. – in this case the example is 69.xx.xx.xx $ dig MX @69.xx.xx.xx ; DiG 9.9.2-P2-RedHat-9.9.2-3.P2.el5 MX @ ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADERHEADER

Moving email accounts in Addon Domains cPanel

Email accounts in addon domains You can create email accounts for addon domains. To learn how to set up an email account for an addon domain, read our Email Accounts documentation. When you remove the addon domain, is email accounts will no longer appear in the cPanel interface. However, the contents for this email account … Read more

How can I view currently running MySQL queries?

You can use the “show processlist” command to view currently running queries. This is useful if you are looking to see if a query is locking a table, or if you have too many open queries, or for any other number of reasons. On a Linux Plesk server the MySQL password is stored in /etc/psa/.psa.shadow. … Read more

Install and Configure Monit on CentOS 6.6

Monit is not available from the system base repositories, you need to add and enable third party epel repository to install monit package under your RHEL/CentOS systems. # wget # sudo rpm -Uvh epel-release-6*.rpm Install Monit # yum install monit Monit has it’s web interface that runs on port 2812 using web server. To … Read more