Add ffmpeg

Import the GPG key from the repo: Install the ATRPMS Repo: Install Check the supported formats: Test converting videos. Here’s an example from mp4 to h264: How can I work with ffmpeg using PHP? Simple. Just install php-ffmpeg extension. First, install REMI repo in order to get your php-ffmpeg package, then type: If you see … Read more

Limit Windows Remote Desktop to IP’s

Step 1: Open the Windows Firewall with Advanced Configuration Step 2: Locate the Remote Desktop rule that’s currently enabled and edit it. Step 3: In the Scope tab, change the allowed Remote IPs field to whatever you want. This is the source address that you wish to restrict.

nginx: [emerg] bind() to 68.xx.xx.xx:443 failed (99: Cannot assign requested address)

Apache is listening on port 7080. This usually means the server is running nginx on port 80 and forwarding script calls to apache. Restarting nginx and received the following error: Starting nginx: nginx: [emerg] bind() to 68.xx.xx.xx:443 failed (99: Cannot assign requested address) Run the following command to disable nginx and rebuild the apache configuration … Read more

SCP Examples

How to secure copy a file from remote server to to local directory: /home/user/file.txt = remote file /home/user/Desktop/ = path to copy to local system -r Recursively copy entire directories What if the port is on 2243? Use: -P port Specifies the port to connect to on the remote host. Note that this option is … Read more

Apache Virtual Host Containers in Separate Files

1. Introduction With the size of the Apache configuration file what it is, it can be easier to find and change a virtual host container (configurations) if the settings are in separate files. This isn’t strictly recommended by the upstream documentation, but is a common manual extension to make the system more manageable. All manual … Read more