Change SQL Server (MSSQL) Password

If you’ve forgotten the sa password for your SQL server, you are probably in a panic. Fear not, for you can change the password and once again have access to the powers of the SA account using Windows Authentication mode. Login into SQL Server using Windows Authentication. In Object Explorer, open Security folder, open Logins … Read more

Upgrade WordPress to 4.1 – The admin backend the connection times out

Upgrade WordPress to 4.1. The admin backend the connection times out and the server gets really slow:error “The server at is taking too long to respond.” It looks like this is actually a common issue with this version of wordpress. 1) Open database via phpMyAdmin 2) Open table “wp_options” and look for “db_version” … Read more

Server time off in Ubuntu 14.04

To install ntp on Ubuntu, Linux or debian based distribitions To install ntp on Fedora, Centos or redhat based distribitions You can edit the file /etc/ntp.conf to control certain variables with the NTP service, and can start and stop the file using “/etc/init.d/ntp [status|start|stop]”.