Exim locked

There may be 2 issues to check. -The presence of /etc/eximdisable, just move this file to eximdisable-bak and restart exim -The server being out of disk space and/or inodes, use ‘df -h’ and ‘df -i’ to confirm.

IP’s Missing in WHM/cpanel Server

When you login to WHM and all the IP’s are missing. If you have avahi improperly configured and running on your machine, it will withdraw the IPs on running either a) a reboot, or b) a network restart, so you can check you logs at /var/log/messages for avahi. You can either stop avahi or properly … Read more

Install rkhunter on CentOS 6.6

Rootkit Hunter (rkhunter) is a Unix-based tool that scans for rootkits, backdoors and possible local exploits. Rootkits are self-hiding toolkits secretly installed by a malicious intruder to allow that user to gain access to the server. Rootkit Hunter offers protection by comparing SHA-1 hashes of important files with known good ones in a online database … Read more