Set Roles in plesk

Need to allow access to a Devloper or Programmer? You can create another user in Plesk if you log in with Administrator first and go to Domains -> Manage Hosting (to the far right of the domain name) then click on the “Users” Tab. From there you can set user roles (aka what they have … Read more

Change Hostname in CentOS

Open the /etc/sysconfig/network file with your favorite text editor. Modify the HOSTNAME= value to match your FQDN host name. Change the host that is associated to your main IP address for your server, this is for internal networking (found at /etc/hosts): Hostname The ‘hostname’ command will let you change the hostname on the server that … Read more

Exim locked

There may be 2 issues to check. -The presence of /etc/eximdisable, just move this file to eximdisable-bak and restart exim -The server being out of disk space and/or inodes, use ‘df -h’ and ‘df -i’ to confirm.

IP’s Missing in WHM/cpanel Server

When you login to WHM and all the IP’s are missing. If you have avahi improperly configured and running on your machine, it will withdraw the IPs on running either a) a reboot, or b) a network restart, so you can check you logs at /var/log/messages for avahi. You can either stop avahi or properly … Read more