How to check whether mod_rewrite is enable on server?

Usually cpanel(WHM) compiles mod_rewrite by default. You can check with this: So you must just activate it in your ‘.htaccess’ using: To check if mod_rewrite module is enabaled, create a new php file in your root folder of your WAMP server. Enter the following phpinfo(); Access your created file from your browser. Ctrl+F to open … Read more

FTP Error: The data connection could not be established: ETIMEDOUT – Connection attempt timed out

When using ftp to access the server, the following error logs: If you are on a plesk server, Plesk has an article here: To enable passive FTP mode in Plesk for Linux: Log in to your server via SSH as the root user. Create the /etc/proftpd.d/55-passive-ports.conf file, add the following lines to it, and … Read more

Change RDP Port Windows Server

Connect to your server via Remote Desktop Click simultaneously on the Windows logo + R to open the “Run” dialog and execute the “cmd” command Open the registry editor by typing the “regedit” command Search for this registry subkey: Double-click or right-click on the “PortNumber” registry subkey, select the decimal base and type the port … Read more

Spam resources

rogue scripts, with the following two websites being useful for this practice: The following two websites can also be highly useful as additional resources when experiencing a security compromise.

Add different port ssh CentOS 7

Begin by opening the configuration file with your text editor as root: The first option that you may want to change is the port that SSH runs on. Find the line that looks like this: Change this to a different port Reload ssh After saving, don’t exit until you’ve completed these steps. By default, SELinux … Read more

Netstat Commands for DDoS Checking

Useful commands to check if a server is getting ddos’d Show IPs with more than 10 connections open: Show # of connections open per IP Number of connections per IP Haynie’s version(better sorting): Drop ips with 100 or more connections: Graphic netstat connections(# of connections open per host) # netstat -an | grep ESTABLISHED | … Read more

WordPress Optimization

Some info on optimizing wordpress–wp-23148