How do I change maximum email size in cPanel?

There is no max file size limit that can be sent and received, however, cPanel defaults the limit to 50mb. You can change this in cPanel. To change this do the following, Login to cPanel as admin Under Service Configuration, Click “exim Configuration Manager” Click “Advanced Editor” Scroll down and Click “Add additional Configuration Setting” … Read more


General examples: Some more real-world:

Access is denied due to invalid credentials in Plesk Windows Domain

Here are some steps you can follow (It assumes that you have ASP.NET extension allowed in IIS mmc Web services extensions and your ASP.NET works — you can check event logs for possible errors): 1. Try Plesk Reconfigurator (Start->All Programs-SWsoft->Plesk Reconfigurator-> Repair Plesk installation->check File Security) 2. If above step has not helped: Start->Run->cmd cd … Read more

White Screen of Death (WSOD) in php page

You must turn on PHP error reporting. To do this, you should change the setting in your php.ini config file. Temporarily insert the following lines in your index.php file: Make sure that you have inserted the code directly after the opening PHP tag. The errors should now appear directly on your screen. Alternatively, check your … Read more

Unable to lookup SID for name “user”: (1332) No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.

Hi, while re configuring a domain in plesk windows then solution is below: 1. Start> Run > cmd> 2.C:\net user geeksupp /add 3. C:\net localgroup psacln geeksupp /add 4. servermanager > configuration > Local users and Groups > user > properties > Add Local Path  to “C:\inetpub\vhosts\”. Replace your username and domainname.

Mysql optimization

From MySQL Large Configuration. MySQL Large Original After Optimization Other ideas… mysql optimize innodb_buffer_pool_instances = 2 reduced the number of max connections to 500 (which is still high) syn error adjusting /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog nf_conntrack: table full, dropping packet. network and ulimit settings number of connections in time_wait – how to contrl: set both tcp_tw_recycle and lowered tcp_fin_timeout … Read more

Restoring Plesk domains from a slaved hard drive

If a manual transfer is required (for mail content, a complete server after a crash, database moving, etc.), refer to the following sources:

112699 How to restore a Plesk installation on the new server after a disaster
3072 How do I restore Plesk from the hard disk drive if the Operating System is broken and the HDD with the old OS and Plesk is mounted in the new system?
1152 How to migrate Plesk data manually with Plesk Migration Manager
6518 How to migrate local database between Plesk servers manually (applicable for versions 8.x and 9.x)
6158 How to migrate Сalendar, Personal Address Book, and Horde Webmail preferences manually
5882 How to migrate Plesk and SiteBuilder content and retain Plesk and SiteBuilder integration (applicable for versions 8.x and 9.x)


How do I restore Parallels Plesk from a hard disk drive if the Operating System is broken and the HDD with the old installation is mounted to the new server?

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