Use Find on Linux to find a file name
How to search a directory for a specific filename.
How to search a directory for a specific filename.
After you install postfix, then you may wnat to have root’s email sent to a real email address. This will help to send cron jobs to you. Edit the /etc/aliases file and add your username and external email address. Now run this command:- Now restart Postfix:- and to test, run the following command:-
Install ClamAV and set up scheduled scans. Install Epel: Install ClmAV Copy a the clamd.conf template, in case you don’t have a configuration file yet: Change the file and Comment out “Example” Change this… To this… Configure SELinux for ClamAV. Check if selinux in on: Write this command to get it working with SELinux if … Read more
To stop/restart and disable mariadb service use the following commands: Stop Restart Disable at boot time Check Status
Usually, when you run the history command, you get the following: Run the following to get a timestamp
Cisco IPSec VPN Client is not supported on Windows 8 or Windows 10 unless you do a registry key edit. Cisco VPN client ( for x64, for x86) is working for some people. But for that you need to apply a small Registry workaround as below. 1. Open Registry editor regedit in Run prompt … Read more
Edit php.ini and search for “mail.log”, check whether this option is enabled or not, if not uncomment it and specify log file name. File must be writable or owned by apache user.
Example Remove logs older than 5 days
Nagois error on CentOS 7 make stage…