How to change the Magento administrative session timeout interval

Changing the session timeout interval By default, Magento automatically logs out administrators when connections are idle for a certain amount of time (specifically, the value of the session.gc_maxlifetime PHP directive). However, you can increase or decrease this interval according to your own requirements. To determine the current value of the session.gc_maxlifetime PHP directive on your … Read more


Method 1: Block Ahrefsbot With robots.txtAhrefs says that Ahrefsbot follows robots.txt rules. You can block Ahrefsbot by adding new rules to your robots.txt file. You have two options here: Change the frequency Ahrefsbot can visit your siteCompletely block Ahrefsbot from visiting your siteTo change the frequency of Ahrefsbot visiting your site, add the following code … Read more

Change permissions using find command

To change permissions using find command. On a Linux server, if you are in need of changing the permissions of a bulk amount of files or directories recursively, we can use the ‘find’ command to do it. The steps are explained below: Change to the directory in which you need to change the permissions. Changing … Read more

Apache vhosts are not segmented or chroot()ed. Enable “mod_ruid2” in the “EasyApache 4” area

When running the Security Advisor in cPanel at Home / Security Center / Security Advisor, I received this error:

Apache vhosts are not segmented or chroot()ed. Enable “mod_ruid2” in the “EasyApache 4” area, enable “Jail Apache” in the “Tweak Settings” area, and change users to jailshell in the “Manage Shell Access” area. Consider a more robust solution by using “CageFS on CloudLinux”. Note that this may break the ability to access mailman via Apache.

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Determining an IP Address’ Authoritative Nameserver for PTR Records

An authoritative nameserver is a DNS (Domain Name System) server that contains the original source of information for a particular domain name. This server is considered as the ultimate or official source of DNS information for the domain and is responsible for providing the correct IP address or other DNS record information associated with the domain. When a DNS query is made for a domain name, the authoritative nameserver for that domain is queried to obtain the corresponding DNS information.

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How to enable PHP-FPM for a domain

You may follow the steps below to enable PHP-FPM for one domain or multiple domains. Procedure Enable PHP-FPM for one domain: Enable PHP-FPM for multiple domains: Further information on PHP-FPM configuration in MultiPHP Manager can be found in our documentation here.

What are the top cache plugins for wordpress?

What are the top cache plugins for wordpress? There are several popular cache plugins for WordPress, including: Redis Object Cache – A persistent object cache backend powered by Redis. Supports Predis, PhpRedis, Relay, replication, sentinels, clustering and WP-CLI. Panomity WP Cache – Provides an extremely simple full page cache of the homepage. WP Fastest Cache … Read more