Download a file with curl

Often we use wget but here we are going to use curl to download a file Here we download the file “konimex-neofetch-epel-7.repo” to the directory /etc/yum.repos.d/konimex-neofetch-epel-7.repo The -o is where to out put Curl help

Install Samba on CentOS 7

Install Samba Once the installation is completed, start the Samba services and enable them to start automatically on system boot: The smbd service provides file sharing and printing services and listens on TCP ports 139 and 445. The nmbd service provides NetBIOS over IP naming services to clients and listens on UDP port 137.

Install ZFS on CentOS 7.9

Here ya go! Now go to: Find the zfs-release version Mine is zfs-release.el7_9.noarch.rpm Install ZFS repository should be added. There are two ways ZFS module can be loaded to the kernel, DKMS and kABI. The difference between these is that if you install DKMS based ZFS module, and then for some reason you update … Read more

Install Openstack on CentOS7

OpenStack is a free and open-source software platform which provides IAAS (infrastructure-as-a-service)for public and private clouds. OpenStack platform consists of several inter-related projects that control hardware, storage, networking resources of a datacenter, such as: Compute, Image Service, Block Storage, Identity Service, Networking, Object Storage, Telemetry, Orchestration and Database. Lets get started. Deploy a KVM Guest … Read more

Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss

This error for ssh can be solved with the following information. -Reattempt your SSH connection, adding the following to your command line: -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa ie. or You can also try modifying the local(your computer) SSH configuration to add the below values to make this change permanent. -Type sudo nano ~/.ssh/config, then enter your administrative password if … Read more

Magento 2: Command List for Beginners

Create an admin user using the CLI: Unlock admin user account using the CLI: Setup upgrades using the CLI: Setup upgrades without removing pub/static files using the CLI: Uninstalling the Magento application using the CLI: Cache cleaning using the CLI: Cache cleaning with specific type using the CLI: Disable cache using the CLI: Disable cache … Read more