Install MySQL, Nginx and Zabbix on Debian 11

At first, let’s update the packages: Next, download MySQL from the offical page or use wget command: Get the repo package When you attempt to install the package, it will ask you what product and version you want to install. Here you can select The MySQL version, Tools, Connectors (like MySQL Workbench), and preview packages. … Read more

PSK in Zabbix

Generate a key: Configuring PSK for server-agent communication On the hos, edit the zabbix agent file Add: Create the /etc/zabbix/zabbix.psk file: Restart the agent. Now you can test the connection using zabbix_get, for example: Configure PSK encryption for this agent in Zabbix frontend: Go to: Configuration → Hosts Select host and click on Encryption tab

Install Zabbix Agent2 Version 5.4 on Debian 10/11

Get the package for Debian 10 Buster: Install the repo for Debian 10 Buster Get the package for Debian 11 Bulleye Install the repo for Debian 11 Bullseye For Agent 2 We now need to edit the configuration file to tell the agent where to find the server. Open /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agent2.conf in your preferred text editor … Read more

Smartmon tools Windows

Some Smartmon tools

Zabbix Problem Alert: Service “sppsvc” (Software Protection) is not running (startup type automatic delayed)

When installing windows servers, there are constant alerts for: Service “sppsvc” (Software Protection) is not running (startup type automatic delayed) Service “RemoteRegistry” (Remote Registry) is not running (startup type automatic) Service “MapsBroker” (Downloaded Maps Manager) is not running (startup type automatic delayed) Service “IaasVmProvider” (IaasVmProvider) is not running (startup type automatic) Service “WbioSrvc” (Windows Biometric … Read more

Zabbix Agent on Debian

Install Zabbix Agent First, log into Zabbix agent instance and add the Zabbix repository with the following command: Change version number for your zabbix version. Install the Zabbix agent by just running the following command: Once the Zabbix agent is installed, you will need to configure Zabbix agent to communicate with Zabbix server. You can … Read more

Install Zabbix Agent on Windows 2016 Avoid Windows Agent – Error 1053

How to Install Zabbix Agent on Windows 2016 and avoid the: Windows error service could not be started. Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. Download – If you have the agent service installed incorrectly now, you can remove it by running “zabbix_agentd.exe –uninstall”. New … Read more