Some Articles and Videos on Setting Up Windows for AD, ADFS, ADCS

Microsoft Windows

Below are some articles and video that I found to be useful to set up Windows for Active Directoiry, ADFS, ADCS and AWS.

Domain Controller/Active Directory

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Enabling Federation to AWS Using Windows Active Directory, ADFS, and SAML 2.0

Setting up and Enabling Federation to AWS Using Windows Active Directory, ADFS, and SAML 2.0. This KB assumes that you have a windows server with IIS, Active Directory, Active Directory Federation Services and Certificate Services Installed.

First, perform the following in your domain:

  1. Create two AD Groups named AWS-Production and AWS-Dev. AWS Production will have users that have administrative access and the AWS-Dev will have S3 , EC2 and RDS servies in AWS.
  2. Create users that will go into the accounts.
  3. Give the users email address (e.g.,
  4. Add users to the AWS-Production and AWS-Dev groups.

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Set up vswitch in Hyper V

In order to do private networking, ideally you would use Hyper-V virtual switches to bind an interface in each of the guest VM’s to the same logical switch. You can do so with any locally routed convention. You can configure each VM to make use of an IP in the 192.168.0.x range such as: VM1 … Read more

Installing Microsoft CALS’s

You will need to add the Remote Desktop role first. After doing so you can continue installing the CAL license following these steps. 1. Click on Start->Administrative Tools->Remote Desktop Services->Remote Desktop Licensing Manager 2. Click on “All Servers” and right click on the server you want to add the RDS CALs to and click … Read more