Adding SSL error in WHM

Adding an SSL cert in WHM throws an error. It gives me this error at top. “The system failed to find an owner for the domain “”.” Resolution The domain was added in accounts in WHM as Chabge to

WHM/cPanel Scripts

fixallcartswithsuexec – Fixes permissions on carts when using suexec. fixallinterchangeperm – Fixes permissions on all users’ Interchange Shopping Carts. fixbinpath – Makes sure all bin file paths are correct. fixbuggynamed – Updates bind to solve any problems with bugs. fixcommonproblems – Attempt to fix the most common problems. fixetchosts – Fixes problems with /etc/hosts fixeverything … Read more

Web stats not updating in cPanel

First check permission of /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/, it should be 755. Then to update awstats and webalizer run the script : If that doesn’t update stats, then check domlogs of the domain and see if it is up to date. You can use the following script to run statistics : If none of the above fixes the … Read more

cpanel access logs

Location of cpanel access logs Apache Logs General Error and Auditing Logs: Location : /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log Description : All exceptions caught by httpd along with standard error output from CGI applications are logged here.. The first place you should look when httpd crashes or you incur errors when accessing website. Domain Access Logs: Location : /usr/local/apache/domlogs/ … Read more

How to enable PDO on WHM

For cPanel/WHM, to enable PDO in the system you can use EasyApache: 1. Login to WHM 2. Click Apache Update 3. Click Start Customizing Based on Profile 4. Select an Apache version 5. Click Next Step 6. Select PHP 5 7. Click Next Step 8. Select a version of PHP 5 9. Click Next Step … Read more

Restrict access to ftp and other services in WHM

Source: You can use the Host Access Control feature to allow or deny clients’ access, based on the IP address, to the following services: Daemon Name Service Name cpaneld cPanel whostmgrd WHM webmaild Webmail cpdavd WebDisk Allow access for an IP address To allow an IP address to access a service, perform the following … Read more