Lamp script for CentOS 8

Here is a simple lamp install script for CentOS 8. Check the installation Insert the PHP code below and save the file. [/bash] Then head out to your browser, and type the URL below. Remember to replace the server IP address with your server’s actual IP address. http://server-ip-address/info.php

Use Path to PHP 7 to run a command vs OS PHP

When needing to run a command in a different version on php. Where is the path to php 7 on cpanel? # /opt/cpanel/ea-php70/root/usr/bin/php -v PHP 7.0.32 (cli) (built: Sep 14 2018 20:36:03) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies How to specify command line command … Read more

How to install SSH2 extension for PHP on Plesk?

Check settings in plesk: Tools and Settings > General > PHP Settings. Click on a php version: Through the OS vendor (CentOS 7 PHP 5.4.16 OS Vendor) Connect to the server via SSH; Install the pre-compiled extension packages: .rpm-based distribution (CloudLinux, CentOS, RHEL): # yum install -y epel-release # yum install -y php-pecl-ssh2 .deb-based distribution … Read more

Replace PHP 5.4 with 5.6 in CentOS 7.x

How to replace php 5.4 with php 5.6. Before installing PHP 5.6, apply any existing updates available for your distribution: # yum check-update # yum update Also, this is a good moment to get (and save somewhere) a list of our installed packages (in case we need to rollback): # rpm -qa |grep php php-mbstring-5.4.16-36.1.el7_2.1.x86_64 … Read more

How to Edit Your php.ini File on cPanel

On systems that run EasyApache 3, the /usr/local/lib/ directory contains your server’s php.ini file. On systems that run EasyApache 4, multiple php.ini and local.ini files manage your system’s PHP. Each version of PHP on your systems uses its own php.ini and local.ini file. You must make changes to each file separately. On systems that run … Read more