Install Nexcloud on CWP Panel

How to install Nextcloud Manually on CPW Web installer The Web Installer is the easiest way to install Nextcloud on a web space. It checks the dependencies, downloads Nextcloud from the official server, unpacks it with the right permissions and the right user account. Finally, you will be redirected to the Nextcloud installer.

Enable WebDav on CWP

After a lot of work I managed to install Nextcloud on CWP Here is the error I got: Procedures performed: 1) Rebuild Apache with the following added switches – you can use Apache 2.4.xAdd..–enable-dav–enable-dav-fs–enable-dav-lock–enable-auth-digest–enable-authn-core–enable-authz-core 2) Enable the Apache modules: nano /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf LoadModule alias_module modules/mod_alias.soLoadModule authn_file_module modules/mod_authn_file.soLoadModule authn_core_module modules/mod_authn_core.soLoadModule authz_user_module modules/mod_authz_user.soLoadModule auth_digest_module modules/mod_auth_digest.soLoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.soLoadModule dav_fs_module … Read more

Manual install OnlyOffice in Nextcloud

Download the package, extract it and move it to the app folder of your Nextcloud installation. If you run a Linux server you normally have got all the tools you need. Here are the steps: Hint: The link for the newest version you find on in the App Store of the Nextcloud Hub. Right now … Read more

Add the OnlyOffice App to Nexcloud

In order to view .ODT files, you will need to install the ONLYOFFICE App. ONLYOFFICE integration in Nextcloud empowers users to collaborate on office documents with their team members in real-time. Compatibility with Microsoft Office formats means perfect documents, every time.

ONLYOFFICE comes with a Powerful spreadsheet editor – Organize and manage your data online in XLSX, ODS and CSV files with over 400 formulas and create colorful visualizations.
Beautiful presentation builder – Express ideas in beautiful presentations stored in PPTX and ODP or exported to PDF full of charts, shapes, and images.
Complete document writer – Open, edit and collaborate on Word, ODT, PDF or HTML documents in real-time with powerful formatting and layout capabilities.

Here is how to do it.

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