Upgrade WordPress to 4.1 – The admin backend the connection times out

Upgrade WordPress to 4.1. The admin backend the connection times out and the server gets really slow:error “The server at domain.com is taking too long to respond.” It looks like this is actually a common issue with this version of wordpress. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/multisite-extremely-slow-after-upgrading-to-41 1) Open database via phpMyAdmin 2) Open table “wp_options” and look for “db_version” … Read more

Purge Binary Logs fails on full hard drive

The purge binary command fails – no logs are deleted and the process hangs: Checking the error log: The PURGE BINARY LOGS command requires free space to be able to clear the logs, which is why this command was failing. To be able to run the command please to stop MySQL, zero the first binary … Read more

Reset the Mysql password

How to reset the mysql password on a linux server. CentOS First, stop the MySQL service/daemon. On Centos/RHEL you would run: Next, edit the MySQL config file (/etc/my.cnf on CentOS/RHEL) and add the following to the [mysqld] section. Start MySQL back up You will now be able to connect as user root without any password. … Read more

How can I view currently running MySQL queries?

You can use the “show processlist” command to view currently running queries. This is useful if you are looking to see if a query is locking a table, or if you have too many open queries, or for any other number of reasons. On a Linux Plesk server the MySQL password is stored in /etc/psa/.psa.shadow. … Read more