Enable gzip on WHM/cPanel

To enable gzip, login to cPanel account for the user account which GZIP compression wants to be turned on. Then click on Optimize Website under Software / Services. Choose Compress All Content or Compress the specified MIME types to enable GZIP compression on all websites hosted by the particular account. Click on Update Settings when … Read more

SCP Examples

How to secure copy a file from remote server to to local directory: /home/user/file.txt = remote file /home/user/Desktop/ = path to copy to local system -r Recursively copy entire directories What if the port is on 2243? Use: -P port Specifies the port to connect to on the remote host. Note that this option is … Read more

Find Mysql Connection script

Recently, I had to find a connection script for mysql as the clients programmer had gone away. I knew the database username and here is the grep command that found it. * Where database username is the actulay database username in the plesk database