Install Proftpd in CentOS 7

How to Add Proftpd in CentOS 7 for ftp access. Step 1: Add the EPEL Repository ProFTPD is part of Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL), which is a community repository of non-standard packages for the RHEL distribution. First, we’ll install the EPEL repository: Step 2: Install ProFTPD Let’s update first: Then let’s install ProFTPD … Read more

FTP Error: The data connection could not be established: ETIMEDOUT – Connection attempt timed out

When using ftp to access the server, the following error logs: If you are on a plesk server, Plesk has an article here: To enable passive FTP mode in Plesk for Linux: Log in to your server via SSH as the root user. Create the /etc/proftpd.d/55-passive-ports.conf file, add the following lines to it, and … Read more

FTP Errors on CentOS

AI_NODATA – No address associated with nodename error in your FTP client. Sometimes an EAI_NODATA error is also related to either a EHOSTUNREACH error, or an ECONNABORTED error as well. Command: MLSDError: Connection timed outError: Failed to retrieve directory listing Status: Waiting to retry…Status: Disconnected from serverStatus: Resolving address of robertlacylv.comStatus: Connection attempt failed with … Read more

Add User to Filezilla Server

If you have a Windows server and FileZilla Server as your FTP server (the default for our Managed Windows servers), you can easily add additional FTP users as needed. Each user will be ‘jailed’ into their shared folder. Open FileZilla Server Interface (start menu or desktop icon), then click ‘OK’ on the ‘Connect to Server’ … Read more

Windows Server 2008 FTP Setup

Open Server Manager, go to Roles and click “Add Roles”   In the Add Role Wizard, select Web Server (IIS) role to install Click Next until you reach Select Role Services page, leave the default and check FTP Server, FTP Service and FTP Extensibility at the bottom. Click Next, follow the wizard and finish the role installation. … Read more