Restore OST file for Outlook

Restoring ost-files Restore Ost-files aren’t intended to be backed up and restored. However, under certain circumstances an ost-file can still be used directly to restore data. You can restore an ost-file when; When the IMAP account the ost-file belongs to is still configured in Outlook and you… haven’t removed and re-added the IMAP account. haven’t … Read more

Office 365 Anti-Spam IP Delist Portal

If you’re trying to send mail to an Office 365 recipient and the mail has been rejected because of your sending IP address, follow these steps to submit a delisting request. Error messages may be similar to the following: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:256 CV=yes: SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:: 550 5.7.606 Access denied, banned … Read more

Adding DKIM to Postfix

DKIM on Postfix: The configuration can be tested by sending an empty email to and a reply will be received. If everything works correctly you should see DKIM check: pass under Summary of Results. ========================================================== Summary of Results ========================================================== SPF check: pass DomainKeys check: neutral DKIM check: pass Sender-ID check: pass SpamAssassin check: … Read more

Email Administration for Postfix , Plesk and Qmail

rDNS (Reverse DNS)

The Reverse DNS for an IP should be set to the EHLO value that is sent in the outgoing mail header. This is generally the HostName of the computer.

This value should also match the outgoing IP address used to send the mail.

On a multi-IP server, if the sending IP does not match the EHLO domain, you may be sending from Postfix. Switching to Qmail may cause the sending IP to match the primary IP on the server, which should correct any mis-matched IP/EHLO issues.

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Amazonon DMARC ( This Google article is also helpful: If you scroll down to the ‘Example records’ section, you’ll see a number of examples on how to write the TXT record. Here’s an example of that record: 3600 IN TXT “v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; pct=5;”

SSL for Mail Server Plesk

Normally, checking mail may produce an SSL error for plesk mail services. All clients Outlook, Mac mail, thunderbird, show a a message for ssl certificate. How to fix it. You would need to purchase a SSL certificate for your servers hostname and set it up so it gets used for the mail service on the … Read more