Install xcache

CentOS 6 Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint Configure RHEL/CentOS/Fedora Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint OR once you’re done with configuration settings, restart your Apache web server. Verify Enabling XCache Admin Panel for PHP By default the admin panel is protected with http-auth and in disabled state. To set user/password open the Xcache.ini file. But, first you have to create md5 password … Read more

How to enable Xcache in cPanel

How to enable Xcache in cPanel to speed up website? Xcache can be enabled in cPanel by using Easy Apache. Log into your cPanel server. After you login, search for “EasyApache” in left column and click on the link. Select “Previously Saved Config” and click on “start customizing”. For both Apache and PHP, click on … Read more

The requested resource does not allow request data with POST requests

The requested resource /marketplace/marketplaceaccount/editProfile/ does not allow request data with POST requests, or the amount of data provided in the request exceeds the capacity limit mod_security configuration in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/mod_security.conf file: You should be able to change this value and restart apache for the uploads to work.

Find and disable specific ModSecurity rules

ModSecurity uses can help block potential attack attempts from malicious users, but sometimes it can also block legitimate requests. Note: Using SecRuleEngine Off in your modsecurity configuration, you won’t want to put that in your ModSecurity configuration file. As that completely turns off ModSecurity. The SecRuleRemoveById setting is used instead to only disable one specific … Read more