Crontab emails

The mail sent by your server’s cron jobs are refused by the recipient server due to: Crontab will by default send from $LINUX_USER@$HOSTNAME. You can change this by connecting to the server via SSH, running “crontab -e”, and adding “MAILFROM=VALID_ADDRESS_HERE”. Ideally, the MAILFROM will be set to a mail account hosted on your server, but … Read more

Email Administration for Postfix , Plesk and Qmail

rDNS (Reverse DNS)

The Reverse DNS for an IP should be set to the EHLO value that is sent in the outgoing mail header. This is generally the HostName of the computer.

This value should also match the outgoing IP address used to send the mail.

On a multi-IP server, if the sending IP does not match the EHLO domain, you may be sending from Postfix. Switching to Qmail may cause the sending IP to match the primary IP on the server, which should correct any mis-matched IP/EHLO issues.

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Linux Cheat Sheet (C) William Hackmore, 2010 The contents of this file are released under the GNU General Public License. Feel free to reuse the contents of this work, as long as the resultant works give proper attribution and are made publicly available under the GNU General Public License. Last updated 8/14/2012 Best viewed in emacs org-mode. … Read more

Install mtop on centos 6

Install RPMForge on CentOS 6 Import RPMForge Repository Key in CentOS 6 Install Mtop in CentOS 6 Once you’ve installed and enabled RPMForge repository, let’s install MTOP using following YUM command. To start Mtop program, you need to connect to your MySQL Server, using following command. Then you need to create separate user called mysqltop … Read more

LVM Management The fdisk shows a 256GB Drive. 50GB on root and the question is how to resize up to the 256GB drive for more space. You can learn information about the volume group itself with ‘lvdisplay’, ‘vgscan’, ‘lvs’ and ‘vgdisplay’. LVS Both drives are in an LVM configuration. This allows you to create logical … Read more