Private Nameservers in WHM

1. Assign the Nameserver IP Addresses in WHM In WHM, navigate to the left hand menu option “Basic cPanel/WHM Setup” and do the following: Set the Primary Nameserver to Then click Assign IP Address. Repeat this for the Secondary Nameserver section, using On the bottom of the page, click Save. 2. Setup the … Read more

PHP-FPM support for nginx in plesk error Unable to make action: Unable to manage service by phpinimng

Trying to start the PHP-FPM support for nginx in plesk: Error: Unable to make action: Unable to manage service by phpinimng: [18-May-2015 09:13:30] ERROR: unable to bind listening socket for address ‘’: Address already in use (98) [18-May-2015 09:13:30] ERROR: FPM initialization failed Failed to start php-fpm service (‘–type=fpm’, ‘php-fpm’) Check for the process running: … Read more

Cannot find mail.php

For WHM You should be able to enable this in the WHM section – Home » Software » Module Installers. Click “Manage” PHP Extensions and Applications Package. Search for Find a PHP Extensions and Applications Package – Mail. You should be able to instal this there.

Enable gzip on WHM/cPanel

To enable gzip, login to cPanel account for the user account which GZIP compression wants to be turned on. Then click on Optimize Website under Software / Services. Choose Compress All Content or Compress the specified MIME types to enable GZIP compression on all websites hosted by the particular account. Click on Update Settings when … Read more

Upgrade PHP on Plesk 12

If you log into plesk and go under tools & settings you will find under the Plesk heading the Updates and Upgrades link. From inside here you can add support for all of the PHP versions you’d like.