Awstats not updating in Plesk

You are checking your stats and see low traffic: How to recalculate AWStats statistics from logs for previous months. Follow this link for a plesk article: Plesk Administration: Another issue had to do with a bug in plesk. Check your Plesk Web Statistics at the bottom of the page: The most frequent HTTP … Read more

cPanel Error for Install for OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set V3.0

Recently encountered an error. going to Home >> Security Center >> ModSecurity >> Vendors and clicking Install. However I’m getting the following error messages: Fix: Backup the /var/cpanel/modsec_cpanel_conf_datastore file. Manually edit /var/cpanel/modsec_cpanel_conf_datastore file with your favorite editor. Removed all active configs, active vendors, disabled rules, and updates. Just keep disabled rule. Save the file. Login … Read more

Installing Apps from Plesk Application Vault Hangs

When the WordPress Install button is pressed (including the custom install option) in Application Vault, a progress bar is shown but never changes from 0%. Log into Plesk. Try installing the app. Here, the notification bar shows: Please wait…. 0%. This bar may remain the same for several hours with nothing happening. Cause A large number … Read more

Adding DKIM to Postfix

DKIM on Postfix: The configuration can be tested by sending an empty email to and a reply will be received. If everything works correctly you should see DKIM check: pass under Summary of Results. ========================================================== Summary of Results ========================================================== SPF check: pass DomainKeys check: neutral DKIM check: pass Sender-ID check: pass SpamAssassin check: … Read more

Monitor MySql with Zabbix

How to configure the zabbix on the agent side to allow mysql data to populate in zabbix. Ssh to the server you want to monitor – the one with the zabbix agent installed on. Check that your zabbix_agent config file is including the path “/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/”: Look towards the the end of file: Check where your … Read more

Diagnosing Network Issues with MTR

On CentOS and Fedora systems you will want to issue the following commands to update repositories, upgrade installed packages, and install the MTR program: To test the route and connection quality of traffic to the destination host, run the following command from the desired source host: Reading MTR Reports Because MTR reports contain a … Read more