Move Data from Slaved Drive – Plesk

First you will want to set up subscriptions for the domains in the plesk panel. Once they are created you can run the commands below:

Here are a few commands that should help.

1.) rsync example. This will move the data from one drive to the other.

rsync -avz /mnt/slave/var/www/vhosts/"domain name"/httpdocs /var/www/vhosts/"domain name"/httpdocs

You will want to change the “domain name” to the one you are working on at the time.

2.) Changing ownership:

chown -R "ftpusername":psacln /var/www/vhosts/"domain name"/httpdocs/*

You will want to change the “ftpusername” to what you set up for each domain when creating the subscription.

If the sites are simple, these are the only 3 steps you should need to take for each domain.


I would use the rsync command rather than cp. Rsync will keep permissions the same. The command would look something like:

rsync -aPSv /mnt/olddrive/var/www/vhosts/ /var/www/vhosts/

You can also preview what will be synced by adding –dry-run to the command. This doesn’t actually copy anything, just shows you what’s going to happen e.g.

rsync -aPSv /mnt/olddrive/var/www/vhosts/ /var/www/vhosts/ --dry-run

The databases are in /mnt/olddrive/var/lib/mysql

One thing you might try is to stop mysql, change datadir in /etc/my.cnf to /mnt/olddrive/var/lib/mysql, then restart mysql and dump your databases. Then stop mysql, revert datadir back and restart mysql again.

When MySQL is running using the slaved drive as the datadir, you can use this to log in to MySQL:

mysql -uadmin -p`cat /mnt/olddrive/etc/psa/.psa.shadow

alternately you can set skip-grant-tables in the /etc/my.cnf file until you have things running again.

You can either dump your databases as one file or as separate files for each DB –

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