Setting up DNS with Your Parallels Plesk 12 Server

There are three steps to setting up DNS for websites hosted on your Dedicated using Plesk 12:

  1. Add your domain name to the Parallels Plesk Panel.
  2. Create and register two domain hosts.
  3. Assign your nameservers to your registered domain name.

Step 1 — Adding Your Domain Name to Parallels Plesk Panel

Before you can use DNS with a domain name, you have to add it to Parallels Plesk Panel.

[stextbox id=”info”]NOTE: If you have already set up a domain name in Parallels Plesk Panel, you can skip this step. To Add a Zone File for Your Domain Name in Parallels Plesk Panel[/stextbox]

Log in to Parallels Plesk Panel as an administrator at https://yourserverip:8443, where yourserverip is your server’s IP address.
Go to the Webspaces tab, and then click Add a webspace.
Complete the on-screen fields, and then click OK.

NOTE: The username and password you select here are your FTP credentials for this domain/webspace.

Step 2 — Adding/Editing the DNS Records in Plesk for a Domain

Creating and registering domain hosts let you use a custom domain name as your DNS server name. To Create and Register Your Domain Hosts in Parallels Plesk Panel:

Log in to Parallels Plesk Panel as an administrator.
Go to the Websites & Domains tab, and then click DNS Settings.

For the row with the Record Type of NS, click your domain name, change the following, and then click OK:

Record type — NS.
Domain Name — Leave this field.
Name server — Type, where is your domain name.


For the row with the Host of, where is your domain, click it, change the following, and then click OK See above):

Record type — A.
Domain Name — Type ns1.
IP Address — Enter your server’s IP address.



Next, click Add Record, complete the following fields, and then click OK:

Record type — Select NS.
Domain Name — Leave this field blank.
Name server — Enter, where is your domain name.

Next, click Add Record, complete the following fields, and then click OK:

Record type — Select A.
Domain Name — Type ns2.
IP Address — Enter your server’s IP address
Click Update.



Go to the Server tab in Plesk, and then, from the Server Management section, click Services Management.
Next to DNS Server (BIND), click Restart. Allow a few minutes for the service to restart.

NOTE: DNS changes can take 24-48 hours to propagate.

Step 3. Registering your Nameservers

Once you set up a domain name and create a zone file in Parallels Plesk Panel, you need to create and register two domain hosts for your domain name. For more information, see Registering Your Own Nameservers/Hosts. If your domain name is registered with another company, you need to contact them for instructions regarding domain host registration.

NOTE: You can use the two domain hosts you just created for other domains hosted on the same server. You do not need to create new domain hosts for each of your domains.

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