Plesk Failed Upgrade

Failed to update Panel. To solve this problem, you can send the update log to Parallels support. View the update logs (June 18, 2014). View the update logs (June 19, 2014). Copy the logs to your computer before you close this message. To close this message, click here.

Plesk log shows:

ERROR: Failed to run the Yum utility.
The Yum utility failed to install the required packages.
Attention! Your software might be inoperable.
Please, contact product technical support.


Check for the atomic repo and disable it.

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
nano atomic.repo
# Name: Atomic Rocket Turtle RPM Repository for CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Lin$
# URL:
# Note: This isn't covered by ASL support. -Scott
name = CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux $releasever -
mirrorlist =$basearch
#mirrorlist =
enabled = 1
priority = 1
protect = 0
gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/
gpgcheck = 1

Set enabled = 1 to enabled = 0
Then run:

yum update --enablerepo=atomic atomic-release

This should resolve the error.


/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/autoinstaller --select-release-current --reinstall-patch --install-component base


yum upgrade atomic-release 

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